

I'm here to support busy, ambitious women like you on your journey to true, sustainable wellness and discovering a body that truly feels like yours.


Balance your hormones, reduce stress, increase your energy, and achieve lifelong weight loss


So you can feel confident in your body, keep up with your family, and accomplish everything you want to do in this beautiful life. 

“The peace I feel around foods that previously triggered me is a win I will cherish for the rest of my life.


Because of Mindfully Well, I listen to my body and stop eating when I’m satisfied. I no longer use food to ‘punish’ or reward myself. I can go to a restaurant and not feel deprived or guilty about what I order!

My relationship with food has become 100x healthier!” 

~ KrisAnn M.


I’ve learned how to pay attention to my hunger cues so I don’t feel miserable due to overeating. Food no longer has control over me and my decisions. 

I also understand how stress affects my health. Stress will always be there, but now I have the tools and confidence to manage it. I know how to control my thoughts and emotions and nourish my body well no matter how overwhelming the day gets.” 

~ Tiffany L.

“Since joining Mindfully Well, I’ve lost 25 pounds (and counting), and I feel great!!



If it were simply a matter of eating right, working out, or taking the medication they suggested at your last doctor’s visit, you’d already be at your goal weight and have enough energy to get through the day.  

But — just like you suspect — there’s more to your health than what diet culture has led you to believe. 

Something is causing you to feel tired and bloated and your body to resist losing weight. But you can’t quite put your finger on what it is – yet.

Losing weight and feeling your best is about so much more than calories in and calories out. 

Keep reading; you are so close to finding the answers you’ve been looking for!


If this is you, take a deep breath. Lean in. There's something you need to know...

You also go to bed anxious about the next day, worried you won’t sleep well, and frustrated that even when you DO work out and eat well– the scale won’t budge.

Or worse, it keeps going up.

Familiar? Here’s the rest of the story, the part we don’t talk about nearly enough. But, since this is a safe space to share what’s really going on and to heal, let’s go there: 


To feel your best, you need to heal the root of what’s causing your body to resist losing weight. 

When you experience weight loss resistance, your body feels unsafe, so it holds onto weight instead of letting it go. 

The cause of weight loss resistance is different for everyone, but it’s often tied to stress management, hormone imbalance, intense exercises combined with a low-calorie diet, an unhealthy relationship with food, or a combination of these. Some good news enters the chat: 

We can absolutely find the root of what’s going on with your health and create a custom protocol to heal and nourish your body so it feels safe enough to lose weight.

Here’s how ..


Mindfully Well: A four-month program to balance your hormones, manage stress, increase your energy, and achieve lifelong weight loss.


In Mindfully Well, you’ll get answers to what’s going on with your body, a plan for healing and overcoming weight loss resistance, and personalized support from a health coach who truly knows and cares about you. 

We’ll schedule your first 1:1 wellness consultation as soon as you join. 

Based on this call, your health history and goals, and your labs (which are done only if you need them, easily collected through an at-home urine or stool sample, and covered by most HSAs), I’ll give you a custom weight loss protocol that takes the guesswork out of everything. And I mean – everything

Your protocol tells you what, how much, and when to eat. It also includes a recommended exercise plan that explains which type of exercise is best for you and how often to work out.

If you need any supplements, I’ll tell you which ones and why.

Time to incorporate a few lifestyle changes to see the results you want (less alcohol, boundaries with relationships, etc.)? Yep – 
your protocol will have those, too. 

Get answers, start your custom health plan, feel better fast


Here’s what happens when you join today:

In the first month of Mindfully Well, you’ll have –

  • Answers around what’s causing your body to resist losing weight.
  • A custom plan for fueling, moving, and healing your body to achieve lifelong weight loss.
  • A noticeable increase in energy! You’ll feel energized throughout your entire day (finally!!) without having to depend on caffeine.
  • Improved sleep, better gut health, and hormonal balance, which equals regulated emotions and physical symptoms during all phases of your cycle.
  • Balanced blood sugar – so you don’t crash in the afternoons and can sleep better at night. 
  • A custom food protocol that tells you how, what, and when to eat to achieve weight loss, nourish your body, and develop a healthy relationship with food. 

Month two is all about stress management. 

Because when you manage stress, you heal so many health issues, such as chronic fatigue, GI problems, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, over or undereating, and weight loss resistance. 

Stress management for weight loss


In month two of the program, you’ll know how to – 

  • Manage your stress without binging, eating sweets, drinking too much, or freaking out on your family because they keep leaving their socks on the floor. #micdrop
  • Incorporate daily stress management tools so you always know what to do when stress comes up and how to handle stress without losing your shit. 
  • Release stress so your body feels safe enough to lose weight. 
  • Actually enjoy your day – even if it’s super busy and overwhelming – because you know what stress feels like and how to manage it without throwing your health out the window.

Anytime you overeat – it’s because of a thought. 

Your thoughts make your reality. 

If you think: 
“If I have one cookie, I have three!!” 
“I’ll never lose weight!” 
“I’m so stressed out at work and don’t know what to do!”  

 These thoughts become your truth. The cool part is you have total agency and control over your thoughts, so you can always change your thoughts and, in turn, change your life.

In month three, you’ll recognize your negative thought patterns and replace them with thoughts that support your weight loss and health goals.

Your emotional well-being and weight loss


Get excited for month three because you will – 

  • Become aware of your thoughts and how they affect your actions and, therefore, your ability to lose weight.
  • Gain a powerful self-coaching tool that allows you to change and be in control of your thoughts – always.
  • Reframe your negative thoughts around food, weight, and what’s possible for you so you have a healthy relationship with food and eat to fuel your body, not to reward or punish yourself.
  • Know how to give space for food urges and choose whether you act on those urges or not.
  • Create habits that serve the healthiest version of you and lead you to lifelong weight loss.

Your last month in the program will ensure you can continue your sustainable weight loss journey on your own. 

Of course, you can always sign up for another round of Mindfully Well (many of our members do because they love the coaching and support inside the program) – but you won’t ‘have’ to.

Achieve lifelong weight loss


In month four of Mindfully Well, you will – 

  • Gain tools that prevent you from self-sabotaging your weight loss and health goals.
  • Overcome perfectionism so you can stay on track, feel good, and stick with your protocol even when things aren’t perfect. 
  • Understand how to extend self-love and compassion to yourself, ensuring your body feels safe enough to continue losing weight.
  • Identify patterns that can throw you off track, and create a plan so you’re ready when this stuff comes up and can react in a way that aligns with your health goals.

Custom Weight Loss Protocol

Meal Planning 

Personalized Health + Mindset Coaching



BONUS: Weekly Meal Prep Menu 

Every week, you’ll get a grocery list and menu planning guide that includes breakfast and lunch recipes for you and dinner recipes to accommodate your whole family – all of which are friendly to your custom food and lifestyle protocol. 

Four Months of the Mindfully Well Program
(As Outlined Above)


Weekly/Daily Messaging + Coaching


Send me a message with anything that’s going on or any questions you have, and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours, M- F.

Unlimited Group Coaching Calls 


Not only will you get 1:1 coaching, but you’ll also learn so much by hearing other women’s questions, experiences, success stories, and coaching conversations on our group calls. 

You can choose from multiple coaching call sessions, topics each week, and replays are available. 

1:1 Coaching Calls


During your Mindfully Well round you will have two 1:1 calls with Melissa. We’ll discuss what’s working, what’s not, and any changes we need to make to your health protocol so you continue seeing results. 

These calls will keep you on track and give you the personalized support you're needing.

Your custom food, exercise, lifestyle, and healing protocol for lifelong weight loss. 


This protocol will be entirely unique to you. 

Here’s a quick recap of everything you get when you join Mindfully Well today

Custom Weight Loss Protocol

 1:1 Health

Daily/Weekly Health Coaching 

Menu & Meal Planning

 Personalized Weight Loss Support

Stress Management


Your investment for everything in the Mindfully Well
4-month program
is just $399/month!


“Since joining Mindfully Well, I have been able to see the same number on the scale I did before I got pregnant, and I feel more confident in fueling my body than ever.” 



Join the waitlist

“Will Mindfully Well work for ME?”


“I’ve tried EVERYTHING to lose weight!”
“I’m post-menopausal.”      
“I already work out and eat pretty well!”

Mindfully Well is for you if you’ve already tried almost everything but have been unable to lose weight or keep it off.  

It’s for you if you’re doing so many things right – exercising, eating well – but are tired of working so hard to see the scale go up or refuse to budge. 

This program is for women of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles

Mindfully Well is different from anything you’ve tried because this isn’t just about losing weight – it’s about healing the root cause of weight-loss resistance. 

I look at your health history, lifestyle, and labs (if needed) and create a custom weight loss protocol that will have you feeling more energized right away and heal whatever is causing your body to resist losing weight.  

This program will show you how to fuel your body the right way, manage stress, balance your hormones, and achieve lifelong weight loss. 

~ emma s.

“I used to be so tired But, since joining Mindfully Well, I no longer get sleepy in the afternoons – I actually get to LIVE my whole day!


Join the waitlist

Making plans for the week and becoming more organized with meals has been a lifesaver, too. It’s one more thing off my to-do list, and the recipes are easy and taste great!”

I'm Melissa, RN turned functional health, mindset and weight-loss resistance coach.

I’ve helped hundreds of women feel incredible in their bodies, gain the energy they’ve been craving to keep up with their busy lives, and become the healthiest versions of themselves using the Mindfully Well method

I believe you. When you tell me you’ve tried everything and are doing all the things the experts say you should, but you still feel like shit and aren’t losing weight – I believe you.


Hey there!

Here’s what I’d tell you if we sat down over a cup of coffee: 

You’re not crazy. You’re not in this alone. You can find answers to what’s going on.

Mindfully Well is NOT a one-size-fits-all diet. I will never ask you to restrict yourself or work out harder to lose weight. 

Instead, this program will heal the root cause of your weight loss resistance. And in the process, you’ll also balance your hormones, sleep better, increase your energy, nourish your body, and manage your stress. 

When you join, I’ll get to know YOU and create a custom health protocol that helps you feel your best and achieve lifelong weight loss. 

I’ll be your accountability partner, coach, and trusted health professional at every step. You’ve got this!  You just need to start.




one-on-one coaching

~ kala s.

Since joining Mindfully Well, I’ve stopped using caffeine just to get through the day, my body feels safer, my fasting blood sugar has decreased tremendously – and the ‘bonus’ of all this is I’m losing weight in a sustainable way!”

Join the waitlist

Join the waitlist

Join the waitlist


shoot me an email

If you **think** you’re ready for Mindfully Well but still have a few lingering questions before signing up, get in touch! 

I’d be more than happy to chat through anything that’s on your mind and point you in the right direction.

Questions? I’d love to hear from you.



What if I have a conflict and can't attend group call?

Each Zoom call will be recorded and provided to you so that you can watch it at a later time. However, there are over 12 sessions to choose from each month to accommodate your schedule.

Will I need to track my food?

Mindfully Well is just that - mindful. However, you also will want to take some basic nutrition information to make the most of your mindful journey. We will begin tracking foods in My Fitness Pal for a short time to build awareness and slowly work off the app and into mindful eating. If you are unfamiliar with tracking have no fear - I will teach you how inside the program.

Are workouts included?

I partner with Mega Strong workouts which are strength-based workouts hosted online. This program is wonderful and very affordable starting at $40 per month. If you are already a Mega Strong client you may be eligible for a discount. Please note, only one discount per client.

Will this program be personalized to me?

Yes! I understand that women’s bodies are intricately and uniquely designed, and personalization is crucial. I structure my all protocols as I do my 1:1 program, but with additional group elements! This comes with you giving me detailed history, nuances, and food history once you commit to starting.

When is Mindfully Well offered and what is the cost?

Mindfully Well is offered three times per year, with sessions starting in the fall, winter, and spring.  Mindfully Well is offered at $399 per month for four months.

Will I have time for this?

Mindfully Well is designed to give you your time back. The meal prep menu will save you hours planning, shopping, and prepping for meals each week. You’ll also have a personal food, lifestyle, and exercise protocol that takes the guesswork out of everything. So all that time you currently spend worrying about and researching how to achieve your weight loss goals will be yours again. 

The program allows you to pick any group call that works for you along with two 1:1 sessions with Melissa, plus weekly lessons that are short in length. These lessons can be consumed on the go – simply pop in your earbuds and listen to the information like a podcast. Bottom line: you have time for this. Mindfully Well was made by a busy woman for busy women, and I have yet to see anyone join the program and not have time to complete it. 

Will I need labs?

Depends! We’ll determine if you need labs to find the root of what’s causing your weight loss resistance based on your health history and lifestyle form that you fill out as soon as you join.  If you do need labs, they’re $360-390 and covered by most HSAs. You do not need an appointment or doctor’s visit to do your labs. 

You’ll take them at home via a urine or stool sample. I’ll guide you through collecting the labs and sending them in (it’s super easy!), and I’ll go over all the results with you during your 1:1 health consultation. 

Mindfully Well Frequently Asked Questions 

Something has to change. Mindfully Well might be the biggest investment you’ve ever made in yourself, and I know as a wife and mom, it’s freaking HARD to justify doing this for you.

But healing your weight loss resistance is not ‘selfish’ or only about looking a certain way.

Always feeling tired and watching the scale go up no matter how hard you work is beyond stressful. 

Healing your weight loss resistance is about taking control of your health and improving your quality of life. 

Decision time; let’s get REAL

Not only that …

The decision to join Mindfully Well will create a positive ripple effect on everyone around you. 

Your family, coworkers, and friends – you’ll show up as the best version of you for them. You’ll have enough energy to be present with the people you love! Your relationships will improve because you are rested, cared for, healthy, confident, and well. 

Four months from now, you could still be at the same weight you are today, dieting and working out hard for little or no results … 

OR – you can join Mindfully Well and experience more energy, better sleep, balanced hormones, reduced stress, and lifelong weight loss. 

You deserve to get through each day and feel your absolute best – and you’re just one decision away from making this happen. 

(Say yes!!)
